Official Organ: Applied Biological Research (Print ISSN: 0972-0979; Online ISSN: 0974-4517)

Objectives of CAAS

  1. To promote the studies on applied sciences at all the levels of formal and informal education;
  2. To promote and maintain a liaison between various disciplines of applied sciences;
  3. To create greater consciousness for the better quality of work and life;
  4. To advise government and its agencies on applied and environmental issues of public interest;
  5. To cultivate liaison between government and non-governmental institutions/ academics, societies and other organizations in the field of applied sciences;
  6. To cooperate and affiliate with international organizations in the fields of applied sciences;
  7. To hold, sponsor or support conferences, workshops, symposia, etc. and to arrange lecturers/ seminars and demonstrations on various aspects of applied sciences;
  8. To encourage and support research in applied sciences and also to promote exchange of information and facilities for the transfer of technology;
  9. To publish such journals, proceedings, books, newsletters or bulletins as deemed desirable to meet the above objectives